And now the blog..................
Well it has started, my first day away from San Diego and already full of excitement. The day started early with a flight from San Diego at 630am on Alaskan Airlines. I got to fly first class, and wow! I mean this was really exciting for me considering my airlines experiences are usually Southwest. The seat was awesome, a big leather reclining seat, and personal attention I have never gotten on Southwest. It's kinda cool when the flight attendants address you by name. Once we took off, we got breakfast; a warm cinnabon cinnamon roll with melted icing running down the sides. On the side there was a raspberry yogurt, and the thing that tripped me out the most was they gave me real utencils! I had a real knife on an airplane! I know most of you are thinking this is a waste of your time to read, but I was stoked on the whole experience. While 90% of the plane is eating peanuts and Cokes out of plastic cups, I was having a great breakfast with actual ceramic plates and real utencils. The flight was smooth and uneventful. Very relaxing! Sergio told me he hates flying coach now and it is hard to fly if he cannot fly first class; now I understand.
The first plane dropped me off in Portland for a plane switch to a puddle jumper to Vancouver. This plane sucked. Twin prop loud, hot and muggy, and I got stuck next to a 6'4, 280 lb guy, and I was stuck with the window seat. Getting to the plane was outside and of course it was raining. San Diego yesterday was 82 and sunny all day long, here:50 and rain. Anyhow, when I got out of the terminal I realized I forgot my jacket in the back seat of the BMW when Judi dropped me off this morning. Looks like I will be running into port for a jacket in Juneau. The plane was turbulent and tight, and once it landed in Vancouver I was one of the first people off. I got all the way to the Customs area (those of you who have flown in Vancouver know how far this is) I realized I left my cell phone on the plane. I turned around and ran about 1/4 mile through halls and doors that say do not enter, and ended up getting lost in the terminal. Now let me Family Guy this for a second. Have you seen the episodes of South Park or Family Guy where they bag on the Canadians for security lax procedures? Ha ha, yep.... I never got stopped once. In fact, I exited a door once I was lost inside a security zone and ended up locked out on the tarmack!!! I tried to flag 2 people down to figure out where my plane was and they wanted nothing to do with me. I thought this was crazy, USA is so Nazi about the airport security that you can't even pass gass without going to secondary and here I ran through 5 security blocks and was never approached. Finally I ended up seeing my plane and was walking out on the tarmack where the guys direct the planes in!! One guy from Southwest Airlines even told me, "Hey move out of the way, a plane is coming in here". I finally saw my plane and went over and walked up the little stairs. I scared the pilot and co-pilot and they asked me who I was and my intentions for getting on the plane. I said I forgot my cell phone and they quickly helped me find it. The captain asked how I got all the way to the plane on the tarmack without escort and I told him the story. He thought it was also disturbing. Anyhow, I made it to Customs and pleasantly they are pretty squared away. Here obviously it is reverse of what I am used to. Not to say we don't have good security at Port of San Diego, but the Port security here is like the airport. I guess Canada does have one thing straight.... maritime rules over aviation!! ha ha just kidding!
The City of Vancouver is odd in nature. For those from San Diego it seems to be Mira Mesa meets Hillcrest or if you are a Los Angelino, San Gabriel meets West Hollywood. The bottom line... many bad drivers and a freak show they should charge you to watch!! The taxis are the same as anywhere else in the world. As soon as you get in they guy calls you his friend, and the reminants of curry aroma burns your nostrils. I guess this is a preparation for working at sea. The people here are very friendly, but I think the city itself is pretty basic as far as a big city. I was expecting alot since I had heard it was so pretty and all, but those who think this is a pretty city or nice place to live most likely didn't grow up with me in San Diego. Bottom line, its okay to work here, but living is not for me. By the afternoon I arrived at the Maritime Medical appointment. The doctor was cool,but the clinic itself and the others around it were a little scary. Trust me, this makes Kaiser Zion or even Grossmont Hospital look like Taj Mahal. So anyhow, after this sight I definitely won't be voting democrat, and perhaps Mr.Obama should get his next medical treatment under socialized medicene before he platforms that as his solution.
On a funny side note, I asked where I could find a good Mexican Restaurant to eat and was told there is only 1 good place; Taco Time. Are you kidding me?!?! I spoke with a few of the natives here who have never had Mexican food!
Well, I am off. Tommorow I sign on the ship in Juneau. Sorry this was dull but this was my day. I would try to post a picture, but why do you want to see pictures of gray gloom? I will post next from the ship, most likely on Thursday or Friday!!
My ports of call for this week:
Wed 7/30 - Juneau, AK
Thu 7/31 - Skagway, AK
Fri 8/1/08- Glacier Bay
Sat 8/2/08 - College Fjord
Sun 8/3 - Anchorage, AK
Have a great day!!